
Foods Should Be Avoided with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic kidney disease is a kidney disease, kidney disease and the extent of this damage is very serious. If you fail to realize that the disease or, in continuing to stimulate external factors, will continue to grow and affect kidney function, leading to kidney failure. Therefore, we must learn how to prevent polycystic kidney disease.

Polycystic kidney disease prevention, refuse certain foods from the start.

1, fermented foods

Here talked about fermented foods are mainly bacteria becomes fermented foods such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs category. Consumption of such foods will exacerbate cyst growth rate. Therefore, prevention of polycystic kidney disease, that do not eat fermented foods.

2, high-protein food

Polycystic kidney disease prevention diet, low-protein diet should avoid nitrogen metabolites in vivo synthesis, reduce renal excretion of force. Such as soy, tofu and other soy products.

3, alcoholic beverages

Alcohol, especially wine, speaking for polycystic kidney disease patients should quit, alcohol and kidney irritant for important distinctions. It can stimulate the activity of polycystin accelerate cyst growth, so when the prevention of polycystic kidney disease, diet to minimize alcoholic beverages.

4, visceral food

Made of animal gut, do not eat cooked food, especially the liver, in the process of slaughtering animals left behind a lot of toxins in the liver, kidney, especially the liver, liver function is detoxification, many animals are left in the metabolism of toxins in the gut after invisible if the patient taking these substances increase the burden on the kidneys, worse.


What Are the Best Diet for Kidney Disease Patients

What are the best diet for kidney disease patients? as we know, a well planed diet plays an important role in kidney disease patients, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney function.

here are the diet suggestions for kidney disease patients.


Patients with hypertension or kidney disease or many other ailments are often told to steer clear of sodium. That's easier said than done! When cooking at home you might try adding herbs and spices instead of salt to your meal. Buying a spice grinder or coffee grinder may be one of your best investments. If you can enjoy the food you eat, you'll feel less restricted. Once you get the hang of mixing herbs and spices and using your grinder, you may want to keep shakers on the table as well as by the stove to supplement your cooking. The flavors will be enhanced and you won't miss the salt!


It's difficult to know which foods have phosphorus and which don't. You won't often find labels that show the phosphorus content of the food you'd like to eat. So it is up to you to educate yourself and learn which foods are likely to have phosphorus. As a rule, it's a good idea to stay away from sodas or any dark colas and any foods containing a high amount of dairy products.
If your potassium is too high and you have been advised to eat in a manner that will help lower it, then limit your intake of: dairy products, potatoes, nuts and seeds, beans, peanut and almond butter, dried fruits, avocados, bananas, cantaloupes, kiwi, mangos, oranges. Watch out for foods that have potassium added. Sometimes potassium hides as the ingredient potassium chloride (that is usually used as a salt substitute). Stay away from fruit and vegetable juices. Stay away from consuming large quantities of spinach, tomatoes, squash, pumpkins. IMPORTANT NOTE: Chewing tobacco can cause spikes in potassium.


It's a good idea to try to replace the animal protein in your diet with more plant-based substitutes such as legumes, nuts, tofu, grains, and seitan. However, if you are going to have animal proteins, a very good source comes from egg whites and fish like salmon, tuna, and trout.

Since we're talking about animal protein, now is a good time to start understanding the importance of monitoring fat intake in your diet. It's a good idea to monitor the amount of animal fats in your diet and to begin replacing animal fats with healthy alternatives such as olive oils and trans-fat free spreads.

Take ownership of your health. The best foods for kidney disease patients are the foods you and your medical team have decided are best for you. Educate yourself. Keep a journal of what you eat. Learn nutrient counts of foods. Make sure you don't overeat. Check in with your medical team to see the results. You'll be pleased.

above are the diet suggestions for kidney disease patients, which will be helpful for thier illness condition. since the specific illness condition will be different from case to case, so kidney disease patients need to make a well planed diet depending on thier own illness condition.


Is Mango Good for Lupus Nephritis Patients

lupus nephritis is a kind of kidney disease which means the kidney damage caused by lupus. when patients suffer from lupus nephritis, they need to have effective treament as early as possible, and they also need to keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect their kidney function. then is mango good for lupur nephritis patients?

Mango is rich in nutrients and it is helpful in preventing high blood pressure and clearing harmful stuffs in intestines and stomach. However, the patients with Lupus Nephritis should remove mango from their daily diet.

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the immune system attacks the healthy tissues and organs in body mistakenly. There are many pathological antibodies in their body. If the outside germs, virus etc invades into body, the antibodies will be activated thus causing allergic response in body.

Mango is very likely to cause allergic reaction. Therefore, the patients with Lupus Nephritis should avoid eat it.

Besides mango, the patients should limit the consumption of the following fruits.

Fruits high in potassium

If the potassium level is too high, it will cause irregular heart beat and even heart failure. The common foods high in potassium mainly include banana, oranges, peaches etc.

Fruits rich in phosphorus

The damaged kidneys will not be able to filter phosphorus normally. The high phosphorus in blood will pull calcium from bone thus resulting in osteoporosis. The patients with renal insufficiency are recommended to strict the phosphorus intake to 1000 mg per day.

Meanwhile, the patients with Lupus Nephritis, especially those with renal insufficiency should keep the following dietary principles.

1. Low high-quality protein diet

They should take proper low high-quality protein diet such ash lean meat, egg white. Meanwhile, they should remove the vegetable proteins from their diet such as peanut, sunflowers, nuts etc.

2. High-vitamin diet

Vitamin takes part in the metabolic activity in body. If the body can not get sufficient vitamin supply, it will cause dysmetabolism. If the kidney function declines, it will change the dysmetabolism in body, especially when patients need hormone over time. Therefore, the patients should increase the intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin and fruits.

In addition, alcohol and nicotine can cause damage to kidney arteries thus aggravating the sclerosis of kidney arteries and glomeruli. Therefore, the patients should control smoking and drinking strictly.

above are the diet suggestions for lupus nephritis patients, which will be helpful for their illness condition. however, since the specific illness condition will be different from case to case, so patinets need to make their own diet plan, which can help make a good prognosis for patients.


What Are the Proper Diet For Purpura Nephritis Patients

What are the proper diet for purpura nephritis patients? This should be a common question for all the purpura nephritis patients. Because a well planed diet can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function, which can help make a good prognosis for patients.

Here are some side suggestions for purpura nephritis patients.

1. Food which can cause allergy such as crab, shrimp, and mutton should be avoided by Purpura Nephritis patients.

2. Foods for Purpura Nephritis patients should be light in the taste, nourishing and easy to be absorbed. These foods with high protein and high salt as well as greasy foods should be taboo for Purpura Nephritis patients as these foods can worsen kidney damages.

3. In order to ease the burden of the stomach and intestine, eating too much should be avoided, which is also helpful for prevent bleeding of gastrointestinal tract.

4. Food should be highly processed because coarse foods also can cause bleeding of gastrointestinal tract.

5. For the sake of their healthy, Purpura Nephritis patients also need to be far away from wine and smoking.

Above are the diet suggestions for purpura nephritis patients, which will be good for their illness condition. However, since the own illness condition will be different from case to case, so patients need to keep a well planed diet depending on their own illness condition.


Diet Suggestions for IgA Nephropathy Patients

IgA nephropathy patients need to pay attention to their daily diet, because a well planed diet can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidneys. then what is the well planed diet for IgA nephropathy patients?

here are the diet suggestions for IgA nephropathy patients.

1. Be a vegetarian.

2. Have high-quality-protein food like lean meat, and chicken; Egg white is also ok. Avoid beans and bean products. Limit the intake of the protein or they will burden the kidney.

3. Limit your salt intake ― to help manage your blood pressure. A low-salt diet can also help minimize fluid retention and swelling.

4. Limit the foods with high potassium, such as bananas, tomatoes, oranges etc.

5. Avoid cold or it will aggravate the damage of kidney.

6. IgA Nephropathy patients can not eat spicy food, seafood, beef, mutton, crabs, garlic, onions, parsley, dog meat and wine, coffee, seasoning and other stimulating food and don’t eat animal livers.

7. Fish and Fish Oil is recommended for IgA Nephropathy

above are the diet suggestions of IgA nephropathy patients. however, since the specific illness condition of patients will be different from case to case, so patients need to take a well planed diet depending on their own illness condition.


What Are the Diet Suggestions for Chronic Glomerulonephritis

What are the diet suggestions for chronic glomerulonephritis? this should be a common question for all the chronic glomerulonephritis patients. because a well planed dier can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney function.
Here are some diet suggestions for chronic glomerulonephritis patients.

1. Water and sodium intake: edema in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis serious amount of sodium intake to less than two grams per day, some of the patients mild edema, daily sodium intake should be controlled at three grams or less; patients daily water intake, total urine output of the patient is the previous day plus the total amount of 500 ml.

2. Protein intake: patients should control the daily protein intake, generally in accordance with the patient's weight per kilogram intake of 0.6 grams of protein can be calculated, which is among the high-quality protein to account for the vast majority of proportion, so patients should take high quality protein diet diet based.

3. Energy intake: chronic glomerulonephritis patients daily intake of energy, the same should be in accordance with the patient intake per kilogram of body weight 30-35 calories to calculate, excessive intake of patients with kidney is unbearable, too little patients can not maintain normal functioning of the body.

4. Add a variety of vitamins and trace elements: patient day to get enough vitamins and trace elements, should eat more fruits and vegetables, and enhance the patient's immunity.


Nutrition Suggestions for Predialysis Patients

predialysis ia a common kidney treatment for CKD patients when their kidneys are damaged severely, and they also need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidneys. In this article, we will give some nutrition suggestions for predialysis patients.

Nutrition is an important element in the management of chronic kidney disease. In general, for predialysis stages it is recommended that your intake (or “kidney diet”) consists of:

- Low amounts of protein
- Sufficient calories
- Low amounts of table salt (i.e. sodium)
- Low amounts of phosphate
- Low amounts of potassium
- Variable amounts of calcium (depending on your individual needs)
- Sufficient but not too much fluid

Protein and energy intake in predialysis

High amounts of protein damage the nephrons in your kidneys and thus accelerate the progression of chronic kidney disease. Therefore, protein intake should be limited at least to the recommended intake of 0.7–0.8 g/kg ideal body weight/day. If the GFR decreases below the value of 60 to 50 ml/min (stages 3 to 5), a more intense protein restriction is recommended. To prevent protein malnutrition, essential keto acids/amino acidsare often taken as supplementation to protein-restricted diets. Please note: In any kind of protein restriction it is important to take in sufficient amounts of energy and other essential nutrients (e.g. minerals and vitamins).

Other food ingredients

You should reduce your intake of table salt, because it containssodium. By holding water in the body, sodium elevates blood pressure, which is accompanied by a higher protein excretion too. Both can damage your kidneys.

You should also reduce your intake of phosphate, because high blood phosphate levels may cause itching and may result in losing calcium from your bones. As many protein-rich foods contain phosphate in abundance, a protein-restricted diet will help you to ingest less phosphate too.

It is useful to reduce the intake of potassium too, as high potassium levels in your blood may cause nausea and irregular heartbeat. Additionally to the diminished potassium elimination by your kidneys there are several other factors that may contribute to an increase in potassium blood levels.

Particularly in early stages of chronic kidney disease, calcium blood levels in many patients are too low. Together with the high blood levels of phosphate this may contribute to the development of bone disease (renal osteodystrophy). That means bones may become fragile or painful.

In early stages of chronic kidney disease (stage 1-4), you do not need to limit your fluid intake much as long as your urine output is normal. However, your fluid intake should not be more than 2.5 litres per day. As your kidneys become worse (stage 5) and you recognise a swelling of your ankles and feet or weight gain, you have to strongly restrict your fluid intake.

above are the nutrition suggestions for CKD patients. however, since the specific illnss condition will be different from case to case, so predialysis patients need to take the kidney-friendly diet depending on thier own illness condition. they can first consult thier doctor, who can give them the most professional suggestions.


Top 8 Diet Suggestions for Patients With High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the common cause of kidney disease, and it is also
a common symptom in kidney disease, then we can know patients need to control well of their high blood pressurem, which can help protect the kidneys. then how to control the blood pressure for patients.

Here are the top 8 diet suggestions for patients with high blood pressure.

1. Reduce salt intake. A reduced salt intake also reduces high blood pressure.

2. Eat a lot of potassium. One of the best sources for potassium is banana. Potassium is critical to the body because it helps in balancing the water content of the body.

3. Increase the intake of calcium. The best source for it is milk and fresh fruits. Recent studies suggest that there is a strong correlation between the incidence of high blood pressure and low calcium intake.

4. Refrain from drinking carbonated drinks as well as beverages that are rich in caffeine. These drinks help to increase the likelihood of having high blood pressure.

5. Drink a lot of fresh fruit juices. This is vital in providing the body the essential nutrients that is vital to good blood circulation.

6. Increase the intake of sea foods such as fish and shells;

7. Drink a lot of water. This will help to dilute the blood, allowing it to pass freely and easily through the veins.

8. Consume a lot of milk and other dairy products. These foods are good sources of calcium that is vital in blood production.

above are the suggestions for patients to help controlt their high blood pressure, which will be good for their illness condition, and help make a good prgnosis for them.


Diet Suggestions for Kidney Stone Patients

Kidney stone is a common kidney disease for patients, and it can be caused by many factors. for kidney stone patients, they need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help prevent the formation of kidney stones and reduce the risk of kidney damage caused by kidney stones.

then what are the diet suggestions for kidney stone patients?

1 Drink plenty of water

Usually should drink more water, to develop drinking habits. Because the water can increase the amount of urine, diluted urine crystals, making it easy to be excreted. Meanwhile, even though the formation of tiny stones can also be washed out of it as soon as possible from the urine. Some scholars have pointed out, the best above 2500 ml of water a day to maintain urine color light. If the local water high in calcium, it should be noted first by softening before drinking. Better than drinking magnetic water.

2 Do not eat too much and drink too much

Do not eat and drink, limiting excess nutrients. Because eating and drinking are mostly high-protein, high-sugar and high-fat diet, this will increase the risk for stone formation. Usually should be appropriate to eat more whole grains and vegetarian.

3 Do not eat foods containing oxalic acid high

If the patient is stone, stone after cure, for oxalate stone to patients in order to prevent stone recurrence, should avoid eating high oxalate-containing foods, such as spinach, beets, mushrooms, potatoes, chestnut, strong tea, coffee, cocoa , chocolate, persimmon and bayberry, etc.; urate if patients should pay attention to try to eat foods containing high uric acid, such as organ meats, seafood, coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate and peanuts.

4 Drug-related eating and stones

Try not to take less taking calculus associated with drugs, such as vitamin C, aspirin, sulfa drugs.


List of Restricted Foods for Kidney Disease Patients

what is the list of restricted foods for kidney disease patients? As we know, all the kidney disease patients need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney damage. So kidney disease patients need to pay attention to what can eat and what cant eat in their daily diet.

here are the list of restricted foods for kidney disease patients.

High-Protein Foods

If you're not on dialysis, your doctor may recommend a low-protein diet. Eggs, poultry, fish, meat and dairy products contain high amounts of protein, so consuming too much of them may cause a buildup of waste products that is too large for your damaged kidney to process in a timely manner. Once you start dialysis, however, you normally have to consume a high-protein diet.

High-Sodium Foods

Sodium can cause your blood pressure to increase and fluid to build up to unsafe levels in your body when your kidneys aren't functioning properly. Avoid foods with more than 100 grams of sodium per serving, and use herbs instead of salt for flavoring your food, recommends MedlinePlus. Limit highly processed, canned, smoked and cured foods, as these tend to be among those highest in sodium.

Foods High in Phosphorus

Many people with kidney problems have difficulty getting rid of excess phosphorus, which can lead to weak bones since high levels of this nutrient cause calcium to be pulled from your bones. Foods high in phosphorus include dairy products, nuts, beans, soda, beer and cocoa. Using dairy substitutes can help you limit phosphorus while still getting sufficient amounts of calcium.

Foods High in Potassium

Restricting foods that are high in potassium is also sometimes necessary when you have kidney problems. While many foods contain potassium, those that are highest in this nutrient include beans, winter squash, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and other root vegetables, tomatoes, spinach, okra, beets, artichokes, nuts and seeds, dairy products, avocados, bananas, dried fruits, papaya, pomegranate, oranges, mangoes, nectarines, honeydew, kiwi fruit, cantaloupe and apricots.

above are the restricted foods list for kidney disease patients, and we hope this will be helful for all the kidney disease patients. however, since the own illness condition will be different from case to case, so kidney disease patients need to follow a kidney-friendly diet depending on their own illness condition.


Diet Nutrition for Nephrotic Syndrome in Child

Nephrotic syndrome is a common kidney disease for people, especially among child. when child suffer from nephrotic syndrome, they need to keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney function.

Helpful hints for restricting your child's fluid intake

Your child's doctor will discuss with you how much fluid your child should consume on a daily basis, based on his or her medical condition. The following recommendations may help with effectively monitoring and restricting your child's fluid intake. Consult your child's doctor for additional information:
Identify the amount of fluid your child's favorite glass or cup holds, so that you do not have to measure your fluids every time. Try using small glasses. Small amounts of fluid in a big glass look like less than small amounts of fluid in a small glass.

Keep track of how much fluid your child drinks each day; record amounts on a chart by the refrigerator or another convenient place.

Avoid salty foods, as they increase thirst.

Iced tea and lemonade quench thirst better than soda.

Frozen pieces of fruit (melon, berries, grapes) can help quench thirst.

Chewing gum or hard candy can help to quench thirst.

Have your child rinse his or her mouth with cold water, but do not swallow.
Sucking on a lemon wedge can stimulate saliva and moisten the mouth.

Splashing cold water on your child's face and body can help him or her cool off.

Staying out of the sun can help keep your child from becoming thirsty on a hot day.

Following a low-sodium diet (salt-restricted diet)

A low-sodium or salt-restricted diet may be used to help prevent or reduce fluid retention in your child's body. The amount of sodium or salt allowed in your child's diet depends on your child's medical condition. Your child's doctor or dietitian will determine the amount of sodium allowed in your child's diet. This is usually expressed in milligrams (mg) per day. Some common sodium restrictions include 2,000, 3,000, or 4,000 mg per day. With most sodium-restricted diets, high-sodium foods are limited and salt is not allowed in food preparation or at the table.

Above are the diet suggestions for child with nephrotic syndrome, and I hope this will be helpful for them. if you still have any questions, you can send e-mail to careliu1989@gmail.com. i will help you make a kidney-friendly diet for you depending on your own illness condition.