
Diet for Kidney Disease Patient

As we know, diet plays an important role in kidney disease patients, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney function. then what kind of diet should be followed by kidney disease patients? and why kidney disease patients should keep a kidney-friendly diet? in the following article, we will get the answer.

Kidney Diet Purpose

The purpose of a Kidney Diet is to ensure that an individual maintains a balance of minerals, fluids and electrolytes. Especially with dialysis, a special diet is important for individuals since dialysis alone does not effectively remove every waste product. Furthermore, waste products may also build up between each dialysis treatment.

Since most dialysis patients do not urinate very much, if at all, fluid restriction between treatments can be very important. For those that do not urinate normally, fluid can build up in the body and lead to excess fluid in the body in areas of the heart, lungs, and ankles.

Kidney Diet Recommendations from the NIH

The National Institute of Healthy recommends asking for a referral to a registered dietitian. A registered dietician is licensed to provide diet information about kidney disease. And, there are some dietitians that actually specialize in kidney diets. Your dietitian can work with you to design a personalized diet to fit your specific needs.

The NIH recommends that a person’s daily calorie intake needs be high enough to keep a person healthy and prevent the breakdown of their bodily tissue. That is why it is important for a person’s doctor and/or dietitian to identify what their ideal weight should be.

Specific NIH Recommendations for Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Minerals Dairy and Fluids


If a person is overweight or has diabetes, they may need to limit the amount of carbohydrates they eat. Always speak to your doctor or dietitian about this.
Normally, carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy for the body. If an individual’s health care provider has recommended a low-protein diet and that individual is searching for foods to eat, they may replace calories from protein with foods such as:

Vegetables, fruits, breads and grains. These foods provide fiber, minerals, and vitamins as well as energy.

If needed, individuals can even eat desserts as long as they limit desserts made with dairy, chocolate, nuts, or bananas. If diabetes or blood sugar problems are present, then speaking with your doctor or dietician would be advisable before eating sugar or carbohydrate rich foods.


Fats can be an excellent source of calories, but the NIH suggest that you make sure to use monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil, safflower oil) in order to protect your arteries. It is always recommended that you speak with your doctor, nurse, or dietitian about how cholesterol and fats can increase your risks for heart problems.


Low-protein diets may be beneficial before dialysis treatments. An individual’s doctor or dietitian may recommend a diet low in protein like 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Once an individual begins dialysis, they will need more protein. Doctors will often recommend their patients eat a diet high in protein from poultry, fish, eggs or pork. This can help the person replace muscles and other tissues that they may have loss before dialysis.

The NIH suggest that people on dialysis should eat at least 8 – 10 ounces of high-protein foods each day. Your doctor, dietitian, and/or nurse may suggest adding egg whites, egg white powder, or protein powder as well.


A) Calcium and Phosphorous

Calcium and phosphorous are two very important minerals in the body and are monitored closely by a person’s kidney doctor. It is important to note that phosphorous levels in the blood can become too high even in the early stages of chronic renal disease and this can cause low calcium. Low calcium problems can cause the body to pull calcium from your bones to compensate which can make your bones weaker and prone to breaks.

Some people may need to take calcium dietary supplements to prevent bone loss, bone disease, and use vitamin D to control the balance of calcium and phosphorous in the body. Ask your doctor, nurse, or dietitian for specific recommendations.
As for Phosphorous, fruits and vegetables are often recommended since they contain only small amounts of phosphorous. If dietary changes to lower phosphorous are not enough, your doctor, dietician or nurse may recommend “phosphorous binders.”

B) Sodium (or Salt)

Doctors will often recommend their patients reduce their sodium intake to not only help control high blood pressure, but also to prevent individuals from becoming thirsty as well as preventing the body from holding onto extra fluid.
The NIH recommends choosing foods that contain these words on their food labels: low-sodium, sodium-free, sodium reduced, unsalted, or no salt added. It is also suggested to always check all labels to see what the level of sodium is contained in each food serving as well as avoiding foods that list salt near the top of the ingredient list. Consider products with less than 100mg of sodium per serving.
Another recommendation is to not use salt when cooking and remove the salt shaker away from the table. Most other herbs are considered safe, and you can use them to flavor your food instead of sodium (salt).

Since many salt substitutes contain potassium, they recommend that you do not use salt substitutes. Individuals with chronic kidney disease often need to limit their potassium intake.

C) Potassium

Normal potassium levels in the blood are important for maintaining a steady heart beat. However, when kidney function is impaired, too much potassium can build in the body and Dangerous heart rhythms can result.

The essential mineral “Potassium” can be found in many different food groups including fruits and vegetables. Since certain fruits and vegetables contain more or less potassium than others, it is important to know which ones are low in potassium.

Fruits that contain lower amounts of potassium include berries, plums, apples, grapes, peaches, pineapple, watermelon and pears. Vegetables that contain low amounts include broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, peppers, watercress, zucchini and lettuce.

Fruits and Vegetables that contain higher levels of potassium include bananas, raisins, kiwis, dried fruit, cantaloupe, prunes, oranges, nectarines, asparagus, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, avocado and cooked spinach.

D) Iron

Doctors will often educate their patients with advanced kidney failure to the fact they usually need extra iron.

Food that contain higher levels of iron include beef, pork, chicken, liver, kidney beans and any foods that have been fortified with iron like some cereals. Always speak to your doctor, dietician or nurse for your specific recommendations.


The NIH recommends that an individual limits the amount of dairy foods that they eat like milk, ice cream, yogurt, butter and cheese due to higher levels of phosphorous in these foods. It is important to note that some dairy foods can contain lower phosphorous amounts such as butter, cream cheese, sherbet, ricotta cheese, and brie cheese.


Most people do not have to limit the amount of fluids they drink in the early stages of chronic kidney disease. But, as a person’s kidney disease becomes worse or if they are on dialysis, they will need to limit the amount of fluids they drink since fluid can build up in the body in between dialysis treatments.
An individual’s doctor and/or dialysis nurse will let them know just how much fluids should be consumed every day. Often times, foods that contain a lot of water are not recommended such as Jell-O, popsicles, ice cream, grapes, melons, lettuce, tomatoes, and celery.

Effective tips that keep a person from becoming thirsty can include:

Avoiding salty foods

Freezing juice in ice cube trays and eating them like popsicles

Staying cool on hot days

Above are the diet suggestions for kidney disease patients, which will be helpful for the illness condition of patients. Since the specific illness condition will be different from case to case, so kidney disease patients need to keep a well planed diet depending on their own illness condition.


Health Benefits of Corn Silk Tea for Kidney Disease

What are the health benefits of corn silk tea for kidney disease patients? for kidney disease patients , they can take some herbal teas to help reduce the kidney burden and protect their kidneys. in this article, we will help introduce the benefits of taking corn silk tea.

Urinary Tract

Corn tea may improve urinary tract infections and kidney stones. According to the Phytomed Health Group, the corn silk utilized in the production of the tea has diuretic properties and may help to sooth irritation in the urinary system. Furthermore, corn silk, when used in conjunction with other herbs, may help treat health conditions such as mumps or inflammation of urinary bladder or urethra.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Lori A. Futterman and John E. Jones, co-authors of "PMS, Perimenopause and You," explain that corn silk may alleviate common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as water retention, breast tenderness and bloating. Futterman and Jones also mention, however, that corn silk tea should not be ingested by pregnant or nursing women.

Blood-Glucose Stabilization

Blood-glucose stabilization is another health benefit that is associated with consumption of corn silk tea. A study published in the November 2009 edition of "Nutrition & Metabolism" investigated the effect corn silk may have on mice diagnosed with hyperglycemia, which is the excess of glucose in the bloodstream. The results indicated that corn silk extract significantly decreased hyperglycemia levels through the amplification of insulin levels and the mending of damaged beta cells. Furthermore, the mice exhibited an increased ability to store sugar in the liver.

Additional Benefits

In addition to supporting urinary tract health, relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and stabilizing blood-glucose levels, Phytomed Health Group notes that corn silk may also alleviate prostate disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome and obesity. Corn silk also contains antiseptic properties that may help to eliminate skin boils and treat other minor wounds or infections. The vitamin K content of corn silk may also help to control bleeding during childbirth. Additional benefits include treatment for heart complications, jaundice, malaria and gonorrhea.

above are the benefits of taking corn silk tea for kidney disease patients, which will be good for them. in addition, there are also some other herbal teas that will be good for kidney disease patients, such as nettle leaf tea, dandelion root tea, etc. if you want to get more information about the herbal teas and herbal treatment, you can send e-mail to me caraliu1989@gmail.com.


Diet Suggestions for Nephritis Patients

what are the diet suggestions for nephritis patients? nephritis is a common kidney disease, and patients need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect their kidney function.

1, nephritis and use should be stopped immediately contact may cause allergic purpura foods, such as milk, crab, shrimp, lamb and so on.

2, according to the different types of nephritis, the choice of different foods, such as hot poison into the blood, Yin Huo-wang, should use partial cold foods, such as lotus root, water chestnuts, shepherd's purse, pears, star fruit, seeds, mushrooms, lotus leaf, thistle and so on.

3, as the disease control, gradually add pork, potatoes, eggs and other foods, if complete control of the disease, then began to increase with seafood and other food. 4, avoid eating fatty, allergic purpura in children with acute phase can not eat fish, milk, eggs, shrimp and other food, each meal should not be fed, to avoid increasing the burden on the stomach, induce or aggravate gastrointestinal bleeding.

5, the diet should be finished, try to eat less coarse and crude fiber and more foods such as celery, rape, bamboo shoots, scallions, pineapple, etc., can wear the gastrointestinal mucosa, induce or aggravate gastrointestinal bleeding.

6, good to eat green vegetables, carrots, cabbage, rice, bread, rice and other food allergies is not easy, avoid alcohol and spicy food, so as not to induce and aggravate gastrointestinal bleeding and so on, with hypertension or edema, should be limited salt intake.


Foods Should Avoid with Kidney Disease

for kidney disease patients, they need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect their kidneys. and some foods should also be avoided in their daily life to protect the residual kidney function.

here are the foods shoul be avoided in kidney disease.

Decrease the Dairy

Your kidneys are responsible for maintaining a delicate balance of the minerals phosphorus and calcium by removing excess phosphorus from your blood. When you have kidney disease, your kidneys do not filter phosphorus as they should and, as a result, phosphorus levels in the blood increase. As this happens, your body starts to pull calcium from your bones to maintain that calcium and phosphorus balance. Limiting foods that contain a lot of phosphorus, such as milk, yogurt and cheese, can help keep the phosphorus levels in your blood closer to normal. Other food sources of phosphorus include whole grains, nuts, seeds, dried peas, beans and chocolate.

Be Choosy With Fruits and Vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables are high in potassium, which is an essential mineral that keeps your nerves and muscles working properly. Healthy kidneys are able to maintain the level of potassium in your blood with no problem, but damaged kidneys have a difficult time filtering potassium from the blood. High blood levels of potassium can lead to dangerous, abnormal heart rhythms and even a total cessation of heartbeat. If you have bad kidneys, keep your potassium intake low by limiting high-potassium fruits and vegetables such as bananas, broccoli, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, cantaloupe, collard greens, prunes, raisins, dandelion root and Swiss chard.

Limit Your Protein

Your kidneys are responsible for filtering a waste product called urea out of your bloodstream. As your kidney function declines, the ability to filter urea decreases. Excess urea in the blood exerts more pressure on the kidneys, which can further decrease their function. Since urea is a byproduct of protein breakdown, limiting the amount of protein in your diet can also limit the amount of urea in your blood. High-protein foods include meat, poultry, eggs, milk products, and nuts and seeds.

Watch Your Sodium

Healthy kidneys remove excess sodium from your bloodstream, preventing fluid retention. As kidney function declines, sodium and extra fluid may build up in your blood. This can lead to high blood pressure as well as swelling in your hands, eyes and ankles. Avoid high-sodium food, condiments and spices such as table salt, bouillon, cheese, cold cuts, canned soup, frozen meals, processed dinner mixes, bacon, potato chips and salted nuts.

Something to Consider

No two cases of kidney disease are the same. Although there are general recommendations about what you should avoid and limit with kidney disease, your exact diet and nutrition plan depends upon your individual health and on your level of kidney function. Work closely with your medical team to determine how much of each nutrient you should consume each day and which foods you should avoid or limit. Always follow your doctor's recommendations.

above are the foods should be avoided in kidney disease. so patients need to follow a kidney-friendly diet, which can help slow down the progression of kidney failure and make a good prgnosis for them.


Diet for Diabetic Nephropathy

what is the dier for diabetic nephropathy? this is a common question for all the diabetic nephropathy patients. diabetic nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease which is mainly caused by the long time unwell controlled high blood sugar. keep a well planed diet can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney function.


Carbohydrate is your body’s main energy source, but it is also the nutrient that has the greatest effect on blood sugar levels. To manage blood sugar, spread carbohydrate intake through the day into smaller meals and snacks and eat a consistent amount from day to day. Breads and grains, fruit, milk, starchy vegetables and sweets are the main sources of carbohydrate. A registered dietitian can recommend the ideal amount of carbohydrate for you, based on your weight, activity level, blood sugar and preferences. Achieving blood sugar control is essential for slowing progression of kidney damage and other diabetes complications.


Sodium increases blood pressure, which in turn causes damage in the kidneys and increases risk of heart disease and stroke. Keep your blood pressure lower than 130/80. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report recommends limiting sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams daily. To lower your sodium intake, choose fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables and meats. Limit or avoid canned, cured, processed foods. Prepare more meals from scratch and limit restaurant, take-out and convenience meals. Read food labels for sodium content. Foods that have less than 5 percent the daily value -- DV -- for sodium are low sodium foods and those that have greater than 20 percent the DV are high sodium.


Protein is important for building and repairing body tissue. Most Americans eat about twice the recommended daily intake for protein, which increases the workload on the kidneys. The NKDEP recommends keeping daily protein intake to 0.36 to 0.45 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For a 150 pound person, this would be 54 to 67 grams of protein daily. Eat smaller portions of meat and dairy, which also helps to lower phosphorus intake. Keep meat, poultry and fish to 2 to 3 ounces cooked, providing 14 to 21 grams of protein. One-half cup milk or yogurt or ½ ounces of cheese provides 4 grams of protein. Plant protein sources contain about 3 grams of protein, including ½ cup of cooked beans rice or noodles, a slice of bread or ¼ cup of nuts.


Potassium helps counteract the effects of sodium on blood pressure. However, as the kidney damage progresses, excess potassium may build up in the blood. If your blood level exceeds 5 milliequivalents per liter, you will need to limit intake of high potassium foods, according to the NKDEP. High potassium can affect heart rhythm, although you may not feel any symptoms. Choose fruits and vegetables that are low in potassium such as apples, canned apricots or nectar, berries, grape, grapefruit, honeydew melon, mangoes, papayas, pears, peaches, plums, pineapple, watermelon, cranberry juice, bell peppers, fresh broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, onions, corn, cucumber, green beans, kale, lettuce, fresh mushrooms, okra and summer squash. Avoid or eat only a very small portion of high potassium foods like fresh apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, kiwi, prunes, oranges, raisins, winter squash, avocado, green, cooked broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chard, potatoes, spinach, legumes sweet potatoes, vegetable juice and tomato products.


Phosphorus is a mineral important for healthy bones and keeping blood vessels and muscles working. With kidney disease, it can build up in your blood, making bones more brittle and causing itchy skin and bone and joint pain. If your blood level exceeds 4.6 milliequivalents per liter, you will need to limit phosphorus. Because phosphorus is found in many high protein foods, start by making sure you have your protein intake from meats, dairy and beans down to the recommended level. If your phosphorus level is still too high, the NKDEP recommends decreasing your intake of foods with added phosphorus, since phosphorus additives may be absorbed better than phosphorus found naturally in foods. To do this, read the ingredient list, looking for words like "phos" or pyrophosphate, for example. Other foods that are high in phosphorus include bran, oatmeal and colas.

above are the diet for diabetic nephropathy patients, which will be helpful for their illness condition. if you still have any questions after reading, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com.


Suggested Diet for Kidney Cyst Patients

Clinically, kidney cyst is a very common disease, kidney disease and other compared to the dangers of this disease is very small, but the physical damage is great, so after suffering from the disease must be checked as soon as possible and treatment. In addition to drug therapy, renal cysts usually have to pay attention to diet, maintain a good diet. Here is a look at how the diet of patients with renal cysts arrangements as well.

1, pay attention to eat salty class (including pickled), do not eat spicy category (including pepper, wine, shrimp, crab, etc.) are not eat contaminated (including spoiled, leftovers, etc. ), eat barbecue, and the occurrence of renal insufficiency or uremia should also note that their products do not eat beans, limiting animal protein foods, greasy foods and so on.

2, water intake: kidney disease due to the onset of various different reasons, different course, treatment is not the same. In mild renal failure, due to kidney function decline was concentrated, metabolites need more water to discharge from the kidneys, therefore, no significant kidney disease such as edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions. Reminded that those patients with chronic renal failure, renal failure do not think that would have severely restricted the water, if too much water restrictions easy to increase the anti-deterioration of renal function.

3, salt intake: control of salt, according to the degree of renal function of the patient's condition and make adjustments, not all patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt.

4, pay attention to rest: Avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney enlargement instead of the more obvious when it is appropriate harness belts, avoid cyst rupture; generally six months review time (including blood pressure, urine, renal function and B-); avoid all relatives (parents, siblings and children) for B-ultrasound; nephrotoxic drugs.

5, about nutrition, renal cysts should eat foods containing high quality protein, note high fiber, high cellulose and low-fat food supplements, proper sugar diet.

6, not a partial eclipse, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pig meat, poultry and eggs, milk, fish etc. edible.


Is Acai Berry Good for Kidney Disease Patients

Is acai berry good for kidney disease patients? kidney disease is a common disease for people all over the world, which can be caused by both primary and secondary kidney diseases. when people suffer from kidney disease, they need to pay attention to their daily intake, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidneys.

This super food will astound you with the health benefits it has to offer. Such a tiny fruit with such massive benefits! Acai health benefits are:

Helps In Weight Loss

Acai berry is a miracle worker when it comes to losing weight as these tasty treats will help you sustain your hunger while giving your taste buds a sweet delight!

Anti Cancer

These berries also help prevent cancer! This berry is packed with Ellagic acid and Vitamin C, both of which are an immune system booster which have also been proven to slow the growth of cancer cells. Acai contains Phytochemicals which are said to help the killing of Tumor cells and can stop the process of ‘Carcinogenesis’!

Good For Heart Health!!

Acai berries are rich in a type of plant Antioxidant called ‘Anthocyanins’ which is shown to contain Cholesterol lowering abilities. Acai berries also have the ability to prevent blood clots, relax the blood levels and improve overall blood circulation. This is because; these berries are rich in ‘Sterols’ a substance that provide us with many cardio benefits!

Better Sexual Performance

Acai berries, also known as “Amazon Rainforest Viagra” by the native Amazon brazillians, is believed to have the ability to improve sexual performance. This is because acai berry helps blood circulation which contributes to a boost in the sex drive of men, while improving endurance. In fact, doctors on some occasions even recommend couples who are trying to get pregnant to consume acai berries!

For Healthy Beautiful Skin

Acai berries are also amazing for your skin. This is due to its high antioxidant content. Brazilians have in fact been consuming Acai berries for over centuries, simply because of its positive effects it has on the skin! Acai berries also help treat skin conditions like acne and provide you with a beautiful, fresh glow.

Good For Your Digestive System

Acai berries are rich in fiber and therefore that help our digestive system work to its optimal level while keeping it clean. These berries also contain powerful detoxifying capacities.

Above are the benefits of eating acai berry for kidney disease patients. however, since the illness condition will be different from case to case, so kidney disease patients need to take acai berry depending on their own illness condition. patients can first ask the advice of their doctors, who can tell them whether eat or not.


Well Planed Diet for Kidney Cyst Patients

For patients with renal cysts, the daily diet is very critical. Daily diet work must be done, which for renal cyst disease is a certain helpful. Therefore, renal cysts diet must not be ignored, should attach great importance to the job. Renal cysts in the end how the daily diet of it, experts recommend that patients are given as follows:

1. A good control of water intake:

the incidence of various kidney diseases due to different reasons, different course, treatment is not the same. In mild renal failure, due to kidney function decline was concentrated, metabolites need more water to discharge from the kidneys, therefore, no significant kidney disease such as edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions. Reminded that those patients with chronic renal failure, renal failure do not think that would have severely restricted the water, if too much water restrictions easy to increase the anti-deterioration of renal function.

2. the salt intake:

control of salt, according to the degree of renal function of the patient's condition and make adjustments, not all patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt.

3. renal cysts diet should pay attention to the class do not eat salty, spicy category do not eat, do not eat by eating contaminated, barbecue, and the occurrence of renal insufficiency or uremia should also note that their products do not eat beans, limiting animal protein foods, greasy foods and so on.


Foods should be avoided in kidney failure

kidney failrue means the gradually reduction of kidney funciton. when patients suffer from kidney failure, they need to have know exactly what can eat and what cant eat in their daily diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney funciton. so patients need to know what foods should be avoided in their daily diet.

Avoid foods with high sodium content

Too much sodium in the diet can cause fluid retention and raise your blood pressure. Seasonings like soy sauce and teriyaki sauce, canned foods, processed meats, snack foods, pizza, hot dogs, pickles, cheese, and even frozen vegetables with sauce are high in sodium. Avoid them. Keep your daily sodium intake less than 1.5g.

Reduce salt intake

The best way to cut back on sodium is to avoid excess intake of salt. Fresh food contains only 10 percent of sodium and the rest comes from the salt used in cooking! Do not use salt substitutes since most of them contain high amount potassium, which is again a bad choice for kidney failure patients.

Cut back on potassium

Depending on the stage of your kidney failure or the medication you are taking, you may need to change (reduce) the potassium intake in your diet. It is usually not restricted until urine output begins to decrease. Potassium levels of 6.5 or higher can lead to a cardiac arrest. Most foods contain potassium but the following should be avoided

FruitsApricot, banana, prunes, kiwi, melon, raisin, orange and orange juice.
VegetablesPotato, tomato, sweet potato, cooked spinach, baked beans, lima bean, kidney bean, pinto bean, and dried peas

Milk may not be the right choice

Avoid or limit milk or milky drinks up to half a pint per day if you are suffering from kidney failure. Milk is high in potassium content. In some people it may lead to milk-alkali syndrome wherein there is a shift in the body's acid-base balance towards alkaline because of high levels of calcium. This may permanently damage the kidneys since this condition is not reversible if one suffers from kidney dysfunction.

Eliminate high phosphorus foods

Potassium is present in almost all foods. Unfortunately, control of phosphorus is very difficult in patients with kidney failure because phosphorus levels increase in the blood as the kidneys cannot remove it in the urine. Elevated phosphorus levels decrease the level of calcium in the blood leading to bone disease. It is, therefore, important to eliminate high phosphorus foods such as milk, beans, black eyed peas, lima beans, chocolate, and milk products viz. yogurt, cheese and desserts made with milk.

above are the foods that should be avoided for kidney failure patients in their daily life, which will be helpful for their illness condition. if you still have any questions, you can send e-mail to caraliu1989@gmail.com, i will do my best to help you.


Healthy Diet Recommendations for Kidney Cyst Patient

How to keep a well planed diet for kidney cyst patients? Diet for the treatment of each disease is very critical, so understanding the disease has been relatively diet care is very important, then in the end how dietary health renal cysts do? Let us take these questions, take a look at how the experts say it, I believe we will find after reading below helpful. 
1. the water intake: When simple renal cysts, due to kidney function decline was concentrated, metabolites need more water to discharge from the kidneys. Therefore, cysts, without significant edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions. 
2. renal cysts how dietary health? Protein Control: Modern medicine, protein intake is too low or too much, the kidneys are no benefits. Especially after the high intake of protein, can produce excessive metabolites, such as uremic toxins mentioned above urea, creatinine, guanidine, and some of the polyamine molecules are essentially nitrogen (protein) metabolism product. Control protein (renal failure when low-protein diet) to reduce the burden on the kidney in patients with renal cysts and reduce the generation of uremic toxins, relieve illness play an important role. 
3. renal cysts how dietary health? Salt intake: control of salt, according to the disease and the degree of renal function in patients with renal cysts make adjustments, and make all the patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt. 
4. Paul levy adequate intake of calories: eating calories (energy). Direct impact on muscle protein synthesis, normal and uremic patients was like that. Therefore, the need to ensure adequate daily intake of calories, low protein diet is long-standing premise of guaranteed profits.


Good Foods That Can Help Improve the Kidney Function

Kidney disease becomes more and more popular for people nowadays, and patients need to keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function. In this article, I will introduce the good foods that can help improve the kidney function, which will be good for kidney disease patients.

Here are the good foods for kidney disease patients to help improve their kidney function.


Almost everyone can benefit from an increase water intake. Drinking a lot of water prevents dehydration and aids the kidneys in filtering the blood. The kidneys need water to produce urine. Without it, the waste forms solid kidney stones that are painful to pass through your urethra. Drinking water also prevents urinary tract infections. It is a well-known fact when urinary tract infections worsen, they can develop into kidney infections that can require hospitalization and cause irreversible damage to your kidneys.

Sodium Substitutes

If your diet contains a lot of salt, you are at risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney disease. If you want to keep your kidneys healthy, stay away from high-sodium foods. You can reduce your sodium intake by as much as 30 percent by simply not adding salt at the table. Some people turn to salt substitutes to improve their kidney health. If you do use a sodium substitute, avoid one with potassium as ingredient. Elevated levels of potassium may be harmful to your kidney health.


You should also avoid potassium for proper kidney function. Your nerves and muscles need potassium to work, but high potassium levels can weaken your muscles. Kidneys remove excess potassium from the blood when they are working properly. If you have too much potassium in your blood, your kidneys will be forced to work harder to remove it. One of the most versatile foods that is also low in potassium is rice. By substituting rice for potatoes, you can reduce your potassium intake and promote healthy kidney function.

Soy Milk and Cheese

Your bones need the mineral phosphorous to remain strong. Healthy kidneys will keep the levels of phosphorus in your blood from getting too high and having adverse effects on your health. Too much phosphorus may be more than your kidneys can handle and cause kidney failure. This causes the level of phosphorus in your blood to continue to rise, making your bones weak and brittle. Dairy products contain a lot of phosphorus. Substituting milk and cheese for versions made with soy will greatly reduce your phosphorous intake and may boost your overall kidney health.


As protein is metabolized, the waste product urea is produced. The kidneys remove the urea from the body. Protein is necessary part of your diet, but too much protein can overtax your kidneys. One of the ways to increase kidney health is to cut back on protein. You can replace large amounts of proteins in your diet with vegetables. Two or three times a week, try making vegetables the main component of your meal instead of meat. Vegetarian options will work wonders for your kidney health. For example, you can substitute a slice of pepperoni pizza for veggie pizza.

above are the good foods that can help improve the kidney function. however, since the own illness condition will be different from case to case, so patients follow the advices of their own doctors, who can make a suitable diet plan depending on their own illness condition.


How to Prevent the Increase of Potassium Level in CKD

For CKD patients, they often suffer from high potassium level in blood, which will cause some bad and harmful effects for them, so patients need to avoid the increase of the potassium level in blood.

Here are some tips on diet to help prevent the increase of potassium level in CKD.

- Talk to your renal dietitian about creating an eating plan with the right amount of potassium.

- Watch your diet. Limit foods that are high in potassium.

- Limit fruits and vegetables to the amounts recommended by your dietitian.

- Limit milk and milk products or replace with nondairy substitutes recommended by your dietitian.

- Discard liquids from canned fruits and vegetables.

- Avoid salt substitutes and other seasonings that contain potassium.

- Read labels on “low salt” or “low sodium” packaged foods to be sure potassium ingredients like potassium chloride are not added.

- Keep an eye on serving size. Almost all foods have some potassium, so even a low potassium food can turn into a high potassium food when eaten in large amounts.

- Do not skip dialysis. Stay on dialysis for the full treatment time. The full treatment time is necessary to clean the blood adequately.

- Leach high potassium vegetables, if including them in your diet. Leaching removes some of the potassium. Ask your renal dietitian which vegetables to leach and how much you can eat. (See instructions for leaching below.)

- How to leach vegetables to lower potassium

- Peel the vegetable, cut into small pieces and place in a very large pot of water.

- Rinse the vegetables.

- Fill the pot with water and let the vegetables soak for at least four hours at room temperature (or you can let them soak over night in the refrigerator).

- After soaking, rinse the vegetables with clean water.

- Cook vegetables as desired.

- Limit portion to one serving, usually 1/2 cup.

Through these suggestions, I hope CKD patients can take them to help lower the high potassium level, which will be helpful for their illness condition.


What Are the Suggested Diet for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Nephrotic syndrome is a kind of kidney disease, which is mainly caused by the immune system disorder. for nephrotic syndrome patients, they need to keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect their kidneys. so what are the sugegsted diet for nephrotic syndrome patients?

1, sodium intake: edema should enter low-salt diet to avoid increased edema, generally no more than 2g of salt per day is appropriate, disabled pickled food, less MSG and food base, swelling subsided, near normal plasma protein when, restore normal diet.

2, protein intake: nephrotic syndrome, a large number of plasma proteins from the urine, human protein decrease in protein malnutrition, hypoproteinemia plasma colloid osmotic pressure drop, resulting in edema Nanxiao stubborn, but also with the body resistance the decline, so in the absence of renal failure, its early period should be given a very high quality protein diet (1 ~ 1.5g / kg * d), such as fish and meat, etc. This will help relieve low protein hyperlipidemia, and some consequent complications.

However, high-protein diet can renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate increased, the glomerular capillary at high pressure, while the intake of protein also increased urinary protein can accelerate glomerular sclerosis. Thus, for chronic, non-polar syndrome of kidney disease should eat fewer amounts of high-quality protein (0.7 ~ 1g / kg * d), As when chronic renal dysfunction, should be a low-protein diet (0.65g / kg * d ).

3, fat intake: nephrotic syndrome patients often have hyperlipidemia, this can cause arteriosclerosis and glomerular injury, sclerosis, and therefore should limit animal offal, fat, some seafood rich in cholesterol and fat food intake.

4, trace elements added: patients with nephrotic syndrome due to increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane, in addition to the loss of large amounts of protein in urine, but also at the same time lose some trace elements and hormones and protein binding, resulting in the body of calcium, magnesium , zinc, iron and other elements deficiency, should be given appropriate complementary. generally eating vitamin and trace element-rich vegetables, fruits, grains, etc. to be added.


Suggested Diet for Chronnic Nephritis Patients

what are the suggested foods for chronic nephritis patients? this is a common question for all the chronic nephritis patients. as we know, all the kidney disease patients should keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney fuction. so chronic nephritis patients also need to make a well planed diet in their daily life.

here are the suggested diet for chronic nephritis patients.

(1) the supply of the protein. Dietary treatment of chronic nephritis should be determined according to the degree of renal impairment protein intake, if longer duration, renal damage is not severe, the protein in food is not strictly limited, but not more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day, quality protein to reach more than 50%.

(2) As part of the patient to limit the protein which is necessary to supply thermal energy as the main source of carbohydrates and fats, and the labor intensity of the energy supply as the reference. The rest were adult daily supply of 126 kJ to 147 kJ (30 kcal to 35 kcal) / kg body weight. And activities to meet the needs of patients

(3) control of sodium intake. Severe edema and hypertension, to control the amount of sodium in the following 2 g / day, or even give salt-free diet, generally salt is appropriate.

(4) should be given plenty of vitamins, especially vitamin C, because patients with chronic nephritis may have anemia, vitamin C can increase the absorption of iron, so should eat tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, fresh dates, watermelon, Xinlimei radish, cucumber, watermelon, oranges, kiwi fruit and natural juices and other foods.

(5) poor appetite may add vitamin C preparations; should also be multi-vitamin B and folic acid-rich foods, such as animal offal, green leafy vegetables and other foods, helps to correct anemia. Hyperkalemia when to eat high potassium foods, fruits and vegetables should be carefully selected. Chronic nephritis patients should not eat sugar drinks and spicy foods.


Diet Principles for Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

Diet principles hypertensive nephropathy patients have? Description of the occurrence of hypertensive nephropathy hypertension on kidney damage is very serious, so be sure to try to control blood pressure in the normal range. In the meantime, we must do the work of hypertensive nephropathy patient care to avoid causing improper care and sicker. Here we briefly explain the principles of proper diet in patients with hypertensive nephropathy what?
1 moderate intake of protein
Protein is an essential nutrient, but if protein intake is too high, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, increased kidney damage; If insufficient intake will affect the body's supply of nutrients. Therefore, patients should determine protein intake according to renal function status: When no significant renal dysfunction, protein intake control in about a day 50g; If serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen obvious abnormalities, protein intake should be reduced daily 20 ~ 40g.
2 control the heat supply
Suitable heat should be decided according to the disease, usually in order to maintain ideal body weight as the standard. Because these patients often have lipid metabolism, so reducing fat intake not only helps to control the heat, but also to improve metabolic disorders.
3 low-salt, high vitamin diet
Hypertensive renal disease should be controlled salt intake, avoid salted foods; added preservatives in food should eat. Adequate intake of vitamins, especially b vitamins, beneficial to regulate metabolism, it can take vitamin supplements when necessary.
4 changes in eating habits

Should be under the guidance of a doctor to analyze your diet, change bad eating habits, restrict certain foods, so as to meet the nutritional requirements and improve the quality of life.


Diet Recommendations for Chronic Nephritis Patients

What are the diet recommendations for chronic nephritic patients? As we know, all the kidney disease patients need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney function. So chronic nephritis patients also need to change their diet and keep a kidney-friendly diet.
Here are the diet recommendations for chronic nephritis patients.
(A) low-protein, low-phosphorus diet: protein intake problem almost all kidney patients have to face the problem of how to develop their intake of illness and rehabilitation would produce a more significant impact. Chronic nephritis patients, early or acute exacerbation onset, there is a certain degree of oliguria, edema symptoms or poor appetite and protein intake should be appropriate to control, but not overly restricted, especially in patients with decreased body weight, Doing so may affect the body's immune system is not conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease. Per kilogram of body weight per day are generally given one gram of protein is appropriate. When a large number of diuretic edema, the patient's symptoms improved, it is necessary and timely to increase protein intake to replenish lost when a large number of proteins diuretic, nephritis patients with chronic kidney disease even more so. If further development of chronic nephritis, leading to severe renal damage, when uremia, renal excretion of protein metabolites function decreased, so that the body to increase blood urea nitrogen, then we should strictly limit protein intake, only a very small amount of supply protein to maintain basic metabolic needs of the body.
(2) Adequate carbohydrate: protein due to limitations in patients with chronic nephritis intake, heat is mainly supplied by carbohydrates, so dietary carbohydrate should increase to meet the needs of the body's heat. In addition, adequate energy supply can reduce the consumption of protein, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and allows a small amount of protein intake completely for the repair and growth organization. Suitable for patients with chronic nephritis foods are vermicelli, noodles, potatoes, lotus root starch and so on.
(3) limit sodium: chronic nephritis patients in a stable phase, the edema and other symptoms of chronic nephritis is generally not obvious, do not restrict salt intake, as long as you can not eat salty foods. When patients with severe edema, heart failure or hypertensive encephalopathy, it is necessary strictly limit salt intake, not only can not intake of salt, sodium can not eat other foods, such as crackers, bread base surface, floss, etc. In order not to affect the patient because there was no appetite tasteless salt, no salt when cooking sauce can be used to replace salt. Be patient in remission, in order to gradually increase the salt intake after stabilizing.
(4) the appropriate amount of drinking water: water intake is generally no restrictions, but not too much, especially with marked edema and oliguria, be sure to pay attention to water intake.

(5) vitamins and iron: chronic nephritis patients may be due to longer duration, poor appetite, eating less affected by vitamin intake, therefore, chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to eating foods rich in vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, to prevent vitamin deficiency. Patients with chronic nephritis is often accompanied by symptoms of anemia, primarily caused by a lack of blood raw, so chronic nephritis patients should use some iron-rich foods such as liver, eggs, tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables such as dates, but also pay attention to folic acid and vitamin B12 supplement.


The Peels of Fruits and Vegetables will be Helpful for Health of People

As we know, a well planed diet plays an important role in the health of people, which can be helpful in some diseases. So people need to eat right in their daily life. Some people like to cut the peels when they eat the fruits and vegetables. In fact, some peels of the fruits and vegetables will be helpful for the health of people.

Apple anti-aging. Apple pectin and rich in dietary fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis. Which is also rich in vitamin C, anthocyanins and other polyphenols with strong antioxidant activity, resistance to aging. Recommended to eat apples, it is best to eat together after clean skin.

Citrus peel qi and phlegm. From the perspective of the Chinese diet, citrus peel can qi and phlegm, cough and asthma, arteriosclerosis, or suffering from vitamin C deficiency who also have benefits. Citrus peel can be dried, soaked in water to drink. Citrus peel can also be added to food, form a special flavor, such as orange peel porridge. Put a few pieces of orange peel when making broth, make Flavored more fresh and reduce greasiness.

Watermelon rind Qingre. Watermelon rind and pulp as rich in minerals and vitamins, with Qingre, Xiehuo Chufan, lowering blood pressure and so on. Remove the outer layer of skin watermelon Chui may salad, pork, make stuffing or soup.
Lipi pure heart and lungs. Lipi is a high medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine, contain more vitamin C and iron, and zinc salts, with a pure heart and lungs, down as fluid, treatment of colds, cough effect. The pear skin cleaned, chopped, add sugar water stew served to treat cough.

Pelee water melon swelling. Melon skin not only contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, but also contains a variety of volatile components, with the summer heat, spleen, dampness effect. Melon skin is thick, relatively hard, and recommends the best skin melon soup cook.

Aubergine strong blood vessels. Eggplant skin contains vitamin P, B vitamins, vitamin C and other substances. The most admirable is its robust vascular effects, cardiovascular patients is good food. You can do when cooking eggplant skin.

Grape skin cholesterol. Grape skins contain more abundant than flesh and seeds of the grape resveratrol, with lowering blood pressure, anti-thrombosis, prevention of atherosclerosis, enhance immunity and so on. Grape skins are also rich in dietary fiber, pectin and iron. Recommend grape skin clean after eating.

Tomato skin cancer prevention. Tomato skins are rich in the antioxidant lycopene is one of the strongest natural materials ever found, can prevent cardiovascular disease, improve immunity, prevent cancer. Whether eaten raw or cooked dishes directly, it is recommended to clean skin after eating tomatoes.


Foods Should Be Avoided With Kidney Failure

Kidney failure means the kidneys have been damage, and the kidney function will be reduced gradually. When people suffer from kidney failure, they need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help protect the kidney function. So they need to know exactly what can eat and what cant eat in their daily life.
Here are the foods that should be avoided with kidney failure.

1, Take light digestible food, avoid seafood, beef, lamb, spicy foods, alcohol and all fat objects such as: Spiced aniseed, coffee, coriander, etc.;
Especially in patients with deficiency such as: red, veins loud, night sweats, dry stool, hematuria embolism; but patients Yang such as: pale tongue white, pulse, body cold limbs, then thin, edible hot foods.

2, should eat the right amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate drinking water; eat all supplements, tonics and easy to get angry foods such as: chili, lychee, chocolate and so on. In particular deficiency heat, such as purple tongue, pulse delay, chest tightness, abdominal distension in patients with blood disorders.

3, all kidney patients disabled neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, and auto-immune manshuriensis injection.

4, uremic patients keep stool, defecation 2∽3 times a day should be appropriate, do not stay up late, sexual restraint, pay attention to rest, to avoid the cold.

5, has been taking hormones, should be decreasing hormone dosage and frequency under the guidance of doctors depending on the circumstances.

6, severe edema should avoid salt, limit the amount of protein in the food, less water.
Edema is not heavy, low-sodium diet may enter; no swelling does not limit the amount of water and protein foods; microscopic hematuria and who should get angry more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and other nourishing yin and send fire food.

7, uremia hyperkalemia were cut high potassium foods such as: bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate; contrary patients with low potassium levels.

8, high uric acid, especially those who eat animal organs, Yuxia mussels, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach.

9, during treatment, if cold, fever, infections, and other situation, an emergency contact specialists, so that timely treatment to avoid complications increase.


Diet Recommendations for Kidney Stone Patients

Kidney Stone is a common disease for people, which can cause kidney damage if patients don’t have effective treatment. In addition, diet is also important for kidney stones patients, which can help prevent the increase and enlargement of kidney stones, and a well planed diet can also help prevent the kidney damage caused by the kidney stones.
Here are the diet recommendations for kidney stone patients.
1, drink plenty of water.
Prevention of kidney stones, the first step is to drink plenty of water (it may only need this step). 240 ml cup, drink at least six to eight glasses. Although the water has been a good choice, but other caffeine-free, non-alcoholic drinks is also good (if urine oxalate concentration is too high, your doctor will remind you not to drink too much caffeine, tea). Drink plenty of water every day is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones, at least six to eight glasses a day.
2, eat dairy products.
Most stones (about 90%) of the ingredients are calcium and oxalate. Because dairy products rich in calcium, doctors recommend that all patients with kidney stones in the past to eat such foods. But recent studies have shown that eating dairy products can actually reduce the risk of kidney stones, because calcium can help the body remove other substances easy to form stones. However, your doctor may recommend that you do not eat calcium supplements drugs. If you suffer from kidney stones, consult a doctor, diet contains much calcium is safe.
3, intake of vitamin A.
Vitamin A is essential to maintain the overall health of the urinary tract. Vitamin A-rich foods include: sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash, broccoli, and carrots. The recommended daily supply of vitamin A in healthy adults (RDA) for the 5000 international units, diversified balanced diet can easily meet this requirement. You do not rush to take vitamin A supplements drugs, if excessive intake of vitamin A, the body can not be discharged, will accumulate toxic.
4, increase the intake of B vitamins.
Scientists have found that vitamin B6 can reduce blood levels of oxalate, thereby preventing the formation of stones. Magnesium also seems to prevent stones. Your doctor may recommend a daily supplement of vitamin B6 or magnesium (or a mixture of both formulations). Vitamin B6, the day should not exceed 25 mg.

Above are the diet recommendations for kidney stone patients, which will be helpful for their illness condition. However, since the illness condition will be different from case to case, so patients need to make a kidney-friendly diet depending on their own condition.


Foods Should Be Avoided In Diabetes

A diabetic diet is to limit the generality of carbohydrates, including glucose-derived carbohydrate, glucose, starch or preservatives are formed in the digestion process. Most patients with type 2 diabetes can eat these foods, but must limit the number. For Type 1 diabetes, the particular food use only as a substitute for insulin in the case of emergency. These foods in the diet must be very small proportion.


Molasses, soda and cream contains concentrated refined sugar, but the nutritional value is not high. They can be quickly raised to a safe level of blood glucose above.


Fruits and vegetables contain fructose in the digestive process and this is one step closer to the ratio of glucose sugar. People with diabetes should strictly limit consumption of plums, mangoes and other fruits of all the nuts. Interestingly, most of the fresh fruit fructose than carrots are more contained.


Rice, potatoes and oatmeal for breakfast high starch foods can transfer into sugar during digestion, and increased glucose load.

Refined grains

Avoid refined cereals. White bread, fried food and cakes usually contain refined white flour, sugar will become transit in the digestive process. They are also widely used in restaurant foods.

Processed food

Frozen food, instant potatoes, fresh or frozen vegetables than similar foods contain more sugar and starch. In addition, preservatives often contain more sugar and a lot of salt. In addition, sauces and condiments restaurants or fast food packages offer also includes a large number of carbohydrates and calories.


Alcohol poisoning can lead anyone, but distilled receptions cause blood sugar in diabetic patients crash. On the other hand, moderate consumption of non-sweet dry wine and beer is not dangerous.