
What Foods Can Be Eaten in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

what foods can be eaten in polycystic kidney disease (PKD)? PKD is a genetic kidney with numerous kidney cysts on kidneys, and kidney cysts will be increased and get enlarged over time, which will finally cause kidney damage. so PKD patients need to pay attention to their daily diet, which can help slow down the progression.

here are some food lists for PKD patients to improve their illness condition.

1, Shrimp, shrimp can invigorat the kidney , with detoxification function. Contain the rich proteins, lipids, minerals, vitamins, calcium, especially phosphorus, which is good for bone, shrimp meat extract also contain immune enhancing substances.

2, Animal meat, eggs, bone marrow, black sesame seed, cherry, mulberry fruit, Chinese yam, etc . These have different degrees of invigorat kidney function.

3, Vegetable food which can dissolve the petrochemical stone, such as black fungus, etc.

4, polycystic kidney patients are fit to eat fruits and vegetables contain rich contain vitamin .

5, Polycystic kidney patients also suitable for eating iron-rich fruit and vegetables, like carrots, etc. In addition, the polycystic kidney patients can also eat some foods have a diuretic effect. But the polycystic kidney patients also remember do not eat acrimony stimulation food, keep a balanced diet, ban alcohol and tobacco, etc.

above are the recommended foods for PKD patients, which will be good for their illness condition. since the specific illness condition will be different from case to case, so they need to make a well planed diet depending on their own illness condition. they need to ask the advice of their doctors.

