
The Benefits of Eat Broccoli in Patients with Diabetes

Diabetes is a common disease for people all over the world, and the long term unwell controlled high blood sugar will be harmful for the health of people, which can cause some severe complications. And kidney damage is a common one.

Therefore, diabetes patients need to have early treatment to help control their high blood sugar, and they also need to keep a well planed diet, which can also help reduce the blood sugar level. Beoccoli is a popular vegetable, which is favored by people because of its high nutrition and delicious tastes. But do yo know eating broccoli can also help reduce the blood sugar level, which will be beneficial for diabetes patients.

Here are the benefits of eating broccoli in patients with diabetes.

Eat broccoli to promote blood circulation in patients with diabetes and heart health has obvious benefits. And other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli also contains called glucosinolates chemicals, the body can convert it into isothiocyanates. These substances to protect body cells, offset the increase in heart attack, stroke, and circulatory disease risk oxidative stress. Some studies confirm sulforaphane, broccoli this to the main isothiocyanate can reduce the production of free radicals is about 75%.

Broccoli benefits of diabetes known as indirect relationship with sulforaphane. Sulforaphane causes the body to produce enzymes similar chemical reactions.

Experts believe that these enzymes provide valuable free radical protection.
Chromium, vitamin C, beta carotene and fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients contained in broccoli are good for the body. Each of these elements are specific parts of people with diabetes to worry about. Chromium helps lower blood sugar, and vitamin C can withstand a free radical antioxidant. Beta-carotene and eye health. Fiber cells by reducing insulin resistance and reduce the number of bad cholesterol play a role in weight loss.

From above, we can know the benefits of eating broccoli for diabetes patients, so patients can choose to take it in their daily diet. Once the blood sugar is controlled well, it can help prevent the kidney damage caused by the high blood sugar.


Top 7 Foods That Will Cause Kidney Damge

Nowadays, kidney disease become a more and more popular disease for people all over the world, whcih can be caused by many factors. in order to prevent the kidney disease, people should pay attention to their daily diet, because some unhealthy diet will cause damages to kidneys.

here are the top 7 foods that will cause kidney damage for people.

1. Meat

Diets high in animal protein can cause kidney damage. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, a high-protein diet may cause or exacerbate existing kidney problems because protein metabolism places a heavy load on the kidneys, making it difficult to eliminate its waste products.

2. Salt

Your body needs a little bit of sodium in order to maintain proper fluid balance, but you can get enough from eating fruits and vegetables. The most commonly used form of salt is processed table salt. When you eat too much salt, your kidneys respond by retaining water in order to dilute this electrolyte in your bloodstream to maintain proper heart function. This places a load on the kidneys.

3. Genetically modified foods

A large percentage of our processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients including corn, soy, rice, sugar cane, sugar beets, and canola. Unfortunately, research on the long-term health effects of genetically modified crops on humans remains poorly studied at this time because genetically modified foods have only been a regular part of the Western diet since 1995 when Monsanto introduced the GM soybean seed that was immune to the herbicide Roundup. Since we have not yet been able to measure the long-term effects of GM crops on humans, it is best to avoid them.

4. Artificial sweeteners

In a review of the Nurses Study, researchers looked at the role of artificial sweeteners on kidney function and found that there was an increase in kidney function decline with intake of just two diet sodas per day.

5. Carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages such as soda (with or without artificial sweetener) and energy drinks are associated with the formation of kidney stones. A 2007 study demonstrated this, showing that drinking two or more colas per day was associated with an increased risk of chronic kidney disease.

6. Dairy products

consuming dairy products increased the excretion of calcium in the urine, which has been associated with a higher risk of developing kidney stones. reducing dairy can help people with kidney failure and kidney disease, because it can make the filtering work of the kidneys easier, delaying the need for dialysis.

7. Caffeine

Caffeine in coffee, tea, soda, and foods can also place a strain on your kidneys. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it can stimulate blood flow, increasing blood pressure and stress on the kidneys.

Above are the top 7 foods for people to avoid in their daily diet, which can help protect their kidney function and prevent kidney damage. a kidney-friendly diet plays an important role in protecting our kidneys, so all the people should keep a healthy diet.


Foods That Can Help Improve the Kidney Function

Kidney disease is a common disease nowadays for people all over the world, and more and more people are trouble woth this disease. A kidney-friendly diet will be helpful for people, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function, and with a certain diet, it can also improve the kidney function.

Here are the foods which will be good in improving the kidney function.


Staying hydrated is necessary for prevention and treatment. Keeping your urine diluted is important for keeping your kidneys healthy. Water is the best choice, but you can also drink fruit juices, ginger ale or tea. If your urine is light colored after you go to the bathroom, you are getting enough fluid. Also try to limit caffeinated beverages to one to two cups a day because it can actually make you dehydrated.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables improve your kidney function. Such fruits include grapes, cranberries and blueberries; vegetables include fennel, onions, celery, beets, spinach, string beans and asparagus. If you are suffering from kidney disease, make sure the fruits and vegetables you eat are low in potassium.

Low-Potassium Foods

Since kidneys regulate potassium, it’s important that you monitor your potassium intake. If your potassium level gets too high, you may develop a greater risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Some examples of low-potassium foods include apples, beans, corn, rice, noodles, pasta, eggplant, cookies without nuts or chocolate, pears, peas, peppers and zucchini.

Iron-Rich Foods

If you are diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, your body may be low in iron. The kidneys play a role in the production of red blood cells, but without a properly functioning kidney, your red blood cell count may be too low, and your energy levels might suffer as a result. Eating iron-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables and eggs can help you increase your iron intake.

above are the foods that are good for kidney disease patients to improve their kidney function. however, since the illness condition will be different from case to case, so patients need to make a well planed diet depending on their own illness condition.


Diet for Children With Chronic Nephritis

Nephritis is a common kidney disease for people, which is mainly caused by the infections and autoimmune system. Nephritis is also common among children, which will make a poor health for the children. We often the children with chronic nephritis to keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect their kidneys.

here are the dier recommendations for chronic nephritis in children.

1. adequate intake of carbohydrates:

Children with chronic nephritis patients due to the limitation of protein intake, heat is mainly supplied by carbohydrates, so dietary carbohydrate should increase to meet the needs of the body's heat. In addition, adequate energy supply can reduce the consumption of protein, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and allows a small amount of protein intake completely for the repair and growth organization. Suitable foods chronic nephritis patients vermicelli, noodles, potatoes, lotus root starch and so on.

2. low-protein, low-phosphorus diet:

Low protein and low phosphorus diet can reduce glomerular pressure, high perfusion and high filtration state, delaying the decline of glomerular sclerosis and renal function. Therefore, the protein intake of children with chronic nephritis patients should be appropriate, of which more than 60% should be of high quality protein, such as eggs, dairy products, lean meat, fish and so on. Phosphorus foods are lotus root starch, noodles, cabbage, cabbage, egg, celery, spinach, tomatoes, melons, sugar cane, etc.; Also, by limiting the intake of protein can also be reached phosphorus purposes.

3. the appropriate amount of drinking water:

Water intake is generally not restricted, but not too much, especially with marked edema and oliguria of children with chronic nephritis patients, so be sure to pay attention to water intake.

4. limit sodium intake intake:

For with marked edema, hypertension, chronic nephritis patients should be limited salt diet, intake of the general requirements for the 1 ~ 3g of sodium a day, children with chronic nephritis patients may increase or decrease the amount prescribed discretion. Salted fish, a variety of pickles should be hanged, before gradually increasing the amount of salt until after edema; eat low sodium foods, such as Coix seed, rice, flour, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers and so on.

5. high calcium diet:

Children with chronic nephritis patients eat more calcium-rich foods, such as Shrimps, eat green leafy vegetables and potatoes, carrots, lettuce, etc., containing oxalic acid to avoid eating much or affect calcium absorption spinach, bamboo shoots, celery, beans, Jichi mustard, pepper, spices, pepper, coffee and so on.

6. vitamin supplements and iron:

Chronic nephritis patients, because of longer duration, poor appetite, eating less affected by vitamin intake, therefore, chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to eating foods rich in vitamin a, b ​​and c of ethnic foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, to prevent vitamin lack of. Chronic nephritis patients often accompanied by symptoms of anemia, primarily caused by a lack of blood raw, so chronic nephritis patients should use some iron-rich foods such as liver, eggs, tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables such as dates, but also pay attention to folic acid and vitamin b12 supplement.

above are the kidney-friendly diet for children with chronic kidney disease, so parents should pay attention to the daily diet of their child. since the illness condition of patients will be different from case to case, so the specific diet plan will also be different. patients should first ask the advice of their doctors, which will be helpful for their illness condition.


Diet Nutrition for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

When you have chronic kidney disease, diet is an important part of your treatment plan. Your recommended diet may change over time if your kidney disease gets worse. A number of tests should be done to "keep tabs" on your overall nutritional health. Your doctor can also refer you to a registered dietitian who will help you plan your meals to get the right foods in the right amounts.
Here are the tips of diet for CKD patients.

1. Getting the Right Amount of Calories

Getting enough calories is important to your overall health and wellbeing. Calories are found in all the foods you eat. They are important, because they:

! give your body energy

! help you stay at a healthy weight

! help your body use protein for building muscles and tissues.

2. Getting the Right Amount of Protein

Getting the right amount of protein is important to your overall health
and how well you feel. Your body needs the right amount of protein

! building muscles

! repairing tissue

! fighting infections.

3.Other Important Nutrients in Your Diet

To feel your best each day, you may need to change the amounts of some of the following nutrients in your diet. Your dietitian will help. you plan your meals to get the right amounts of each.


Kidney disease, high blood pressure and sodium are often related. Therefore, you may need to limit the amount of sodium in your diet. Your doctor will let you know if you need to cut back on sodium. If you do, your dietitian can teach you how to select foods that are lower in sodium. Learn to read food labels so you can make lower sodium choices when you shop for foods. Sodium is a mineral found naturally in foods.


Your kidneys may not be able to remove enough phosphorus from your blood. This causes the level of phosphorus in your blood to become too high. A high blood phosphorus level may cause your skin to itch and the loss of calcium from your bones. Your bones can become weak and may break easily. Eating fewer foods that are high in phosphorus will help lower the amount of phosphorus in your blood. Your dietitian will help you choose foods that are lower in phosphorus.


Potassium is an important mineral in the blood that helps your muscles and heart work properly. Too much or too little potassium in the blood can be dangerous. Whether or not you need to change the amount of high-potassium foods in your diet depends on your stage of kidney disease and whether you are taking any medications that change the level of potassium in your blood. (For more information on the stages of chronic kidney disease, see the table on the inside front cover. You may also contact the NKF to obtain About Chronic Kidney Disease: A Guide for Patients and Their Families.) Ask your doctor if your potassium level is normal. Your doctor may ask you to take potassium supplements or other medications to balance the amount of potassium in your blood. Take only the supplements recommended by your doctor. Your dietitian can help you plan a diet that will give you the right amount of potassium from your food.


Top 6 Black Foods That Will Improve the Kidney Function

Kidney disease becomes a more and more popular kidney disease for people nowadays, and the low kidney function will cause some severe damage to kidneys. Now more and more patients try to take the healthy foods that will be good for the kidney function. Here are the top 6 healthy foods that will be halpful for kidneys and improve the kidney function.

1. black fungus

Black fungus is an excellent anti-cancer foods, because of its high cellulose content, can be a good way to remove trash and intravascular carcinogens, prevention of cardiovascular disease, and cancer-causing substances diluted in the large intestine, helps prevent colorectal cancer. Black fungus also regulate blood sugar, reduce blood viscosity, reduce blood cholesterol. Eat black fungus can increase satiety and help control weight, keep in shape. Vegetables beneficial to remove facial pigmentation, skincare.

2. black beans

Aka Wudou, sweet natured, Rupi, kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black beans can help anti-aging treatment with a medical food with special features. Contains rich protein, fat, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, niacin and other nutrients, which contain estrogen, beneficial anti-aging skincare. Black beans also beneficial in the treatment of edema and blood detoxification. Pharmacological studies showed that black beans can yin qi is strong and nourishing food.

3. seaweed

Rich in calcium, iron, not only beneficial treatment of anemia in women and children, but also children and the elderly to promote bone, teeth growth and health. Seaweed is also rich in choline ingredients, with enhanced memory effect. Laver has Endometriosis function, because it contains a certain amount of mannitol, it is a strong diuretic, can be used as an auxiliary treatment of edema food. Seaweed iodine content is also high, because in ancient times for the treatment of iodine deficiency caused by the "big neck disease," or "goiter."

4. kelp

Kelp is known as "longevity food" in the world. Rich in carbohydrates, less protein and fat. Compared with spinach, rape, in addition to vitamin C, its protein, sugar, calcium, iron levels were several times to several times. Kelp is a very high amount of seaweed iodine in the prevention and treatment of goiter and other dropsy extremely effective, phlegm, relieves congestion function. The kelp attached to a layer of frost-like white powder, is a valuable medicinal substance mannitol, with lower blood pressure, diuretic and swelling. Kelp also contains large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA, can reduce blood viscosity, reduce hardening of the arteries, eat can prevent cardiovascular disease.

5. black rice

The study found that black rice contains 18 kinds of amino acids and selenium, iron, zinc and other trace elements B1, B2, high nutritional value, with Yin and kidney, spleen warm liver, eyesight blood circulation effect. Long-term consumption of black rice, can promote sleep, but also the treatment of dizziness, dizziness, anemia, white hair, eye and Yaotuisuanruan embolism. Modern medicine, black rice on the blood, pain, treatment of trauma have a certain effect. Maternal eat black rice food, the body can be restored as soon as possible; bruises, fractures who eat black rice black rice pounded food or topical, can speed up the cure, and adjuvant treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

6. black sesame seeds

"Compendium of Materia Medica," said Sesame year taking gloss black body, white hair back to black for two years, three years exfoliated tooth. In medicine, black sesame seeds can Liver, kidney, blood, moistening, UFA, beauty, beauty is an excellent food. Black sesame contains a lot of rich nutrients, including iron and vitamin E is an important component of prevention of anemia, eliminate blood cholesterol; fat black sesame seeds contain mostly unsaturated fatty acids. UFA beauty in terms of efficacy, it is legendary, as well as liver and kidney of black sesame seeds, the role of moisture five internal organs can be used for the treatment of hair and blood deficiency caused liver and kidney as early as white, hair loss and dry skin, dry hair, dry bowel constipation embolism. Eat black sesame seeds can help prevent and treat gallstones, and there is brain puzzle, longevity effect.

Above are the top 6 black foods for kidney failure patients, which will be good in improving the kidney function. so patients can take these foods in their daily diet. however, since the illness condition is dofferent from case to case, so patients need to take it depending on their own illness condition, which will be good in slowing down the progression of kidney failure.


Diet Recommendations for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

Diabetic Nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease, which is mainly caused by the long term unwell controlled high blood sugar. For diabetic nephropathy patients, they need to keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function.

Here are the recommended diet for diabetic nephropathy patients.


Carbohydrate is your body’s main energy source, but it is also the nutrient that has the greatest effect on blood sugar levels. To manage blood sugar, spread carbohydrate intake through the day into smaller meals and snacks and eat a consistent amount from day to day. Breads and grains, fruit, milk, starchy vegetables and sweets are the main sources of carbohydrate. A registered dietitian can recommend the ideal amount of carbohydrate for you, based on your weight, activity level, blood sugar and preferences. Achieving blood sugar control is essential for slowing progression of kidney damage and other diabetes complications.


Sodium increases blood pressure, which in turn causes damage in the kidneys and increases risk of heart disease and stroke. Keep your blood pressure lower than 130/80. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report recommends limiting sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams daily. To lower your sodium intake, choose fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables and meats. Limit or avoid canned, cured, processed foods. Prepare more meals from scratch and limit restaurant, take-out and convenience meals. Read food labels for sodium content. Foods that have less than 5 percent the daily value -- DV -- for sodium are low sodium foods and those that have greater than 20 percent the DV are high sodium.


Protein is important for building and repairing body tissue. Most Americans eat about twice the recommended daily intake for protein, which increases the workload on the kidneys. The NKDEP recommends keeping daily protein intake to 0.36 to 0.45 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For a 150 pound person, this would be 54 to 67 grams of protein daily. Eat smaller portions of meat and dairy, which also helps to lower phosphorus intake. Keep meat, poultry and fish to 2 to 3 ounces cooked, providing 14 to 21 grams of protein. One-half cup milk or yogurt or ½ ounces of cheese provides 4 grams of protein. Plant protein sources contain about 3 grams of protein, including ½ cup of cooked beans rice or noodles, a slice of bread or ¼ cup of nuts.


Potassium helps counteract the effects of sodium on blood pressure. However, as the kidney damage progresses, excess potassium may build up in the blood. If your blood level exceeds 5 milliequivalents per liter, you will need to limit intake of high potassium foods, according to the NKDEP. High potassium can affect heart rhythm, although you may not feel any symptoms. Choose fruits and vegetables that are low in potassium such as apples, canned apricots or nectar, berries, grape, grapefruit, honeydew melon, mangoes, papayas, pears, peaches, plums, pineapple, watermelon, cranberry juice, bell peppers, fresh broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, onions, corn, cucumber, green beans, kale, lettuce, fresh mushrooms, okra and summer squash. Avoid or eat only a very small portion of high potassium foods like fresh apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, kiwi, prunes, oranges, raisins, winter squash, avocado, green, cooked broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chard, potatoes, spinach, legumes sweet potatoes, vegetable juice and tomato products.


Phosphorus is a mineral important for healthy bones and keeping blood vessels and muscles working. With kidney disease, it can build up in your blood, making bones more brittle and causing itchy skin and bone and joint pain. If your blood level exceeds 4.6 milliequivalents per liter, you will need to limit phosphorus. Because phosphorus is found in many high protein foods, start by making sure you have your protein intake from meats, dairy and beans down to the recommended level. If your phosphorus level is still too high, the NKDEP recommends decreasing your intake of foods with added phosphorus, since phosphorus additives may be absorbed better than phosphorus found naturally in foods. To do this, read the ingredient list, looking for words like "phos" or pyrophosphate, for example. Other foods that are high in phosphorus include bran, oatmeal and colas.

Above are the recommended diet for diabetic nephropathy patints, and I hope this will be helpful for all the diabetic kidney disease patients.


Diet Suggestions for Kidney Failure Patients

Kidney Failrue is a kind of kidney disease with the kidney function gradually reduced. For kidney failure patients, they need to have effective treatment to improve their kidney function, and they also need to keep a well planed diet, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect their kidney function.
Here are the kidney-friendly diet for kidney failure patients.

1. A note of sodium and potassium intake, because renal failure patients often have edema, prone to hyperkalemia, it should be based on different edema to control the sodium salt intake. When elevated serum potassium should be appropriate to reduce the supply of potassium in the diet, so as to avoid an increase in exogenous potassium aggravated hyperkalemia. In addition to avoid eating high potassium content of food, refrigeration and other methods can also be taken to reduce the potassium content.

2. control salt intake: patients with the best control of salt intake in life, renal salt intake should be considered in patients with the disease.

3. protein: protein diet is the main source of the body's normal metabolism, here say is animal and plant protein, if we want to reduce the burden of renal function, it is necessary to make protein intake and excretion ability to adapt. Requires a combination of reducing the extent of the value of the patient's muscle and liver complications severity.

4. Water: Patients in the treatment process, the urine can not be excluded in patients with normal metabolic wastes help to solve this problem is that we increase the amount of urine, can the metabolites excreted day, if there is no obvious edema, drinking water can be appropriately .

5. calories: protein for renal failure patients are very important, but we need to put them to good use on nutrients, rather than allowing them to consume, then the patient needs to take low-protein diet, while timely replenish their energy. Experts said that renal failure patients need at least 35 per kilogram daily calories.

6. provide sufficient heat, renal failure diet conditioning, heat is supplied mainly in easily digestible carbohydrate-based, you can eat more fruit, with wheat starch noodles, biscuits or other starch snacks, plus a small amount of rice or gruel .

7. low-protein diet, renal failure patients in oliguria, should supply a small amount of protein in the daily diet, so not only take care of the patient's discharge capacity, but also consider to maintain the nutritional needs of patients. This is the kidney failure diet care of the more important point.